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Frågor & Svar
Is Yodeck Free?
Yes, you can use Yodeck for free if you run just one screen. It’s a great way to check out our features, see the benefits, and then add all the screens and get all the media players you need for your business. Also, you’ll get a Yodeck media player for free with each Annual plan you subscribe to.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept credit cards for all subscriptions.
For Annual subscriptions, we also accept wire transfers.
Also, we can provide you with an invoice that you can then pay through a wire transfer to our US bank account. Let us know if you require such an arrangement.
Unfortunately, at this time we do not support PayPal.
How do I use Yodeck without a player?
We accept credit cards for all subscriptions.
For Annual subscriptions, we also accept wire transfers.
Also, we can provide you with an invoice that you can then pay through a wire transfer to our US bank account. Let us know if you require such an arrangement.
Unfortunately, at this time we do not support PayPal.
Which other players does Yodeck support?
We accept credit cards for all subscriptions.
For Annual subscriptions, we also accept wire transfers.
Also, we can provide you with an invoice that you can then pay through a wire transfer to our US bank account. Let us know if you require such an arrangement.
Unfortunately, at this time we do not support PayPal.
Do I need a designer to create my content?
We accept credit cards for all subscriptions.
For Annual subscriptions, we also accept wire transfers.
Also, we can provide you with an invoice that you can then pay through a wire transfer to our US bank account. Let us know if you require such an arrangement.
Unfortunately, at this time we do not support PayPal.